
Windows and Mac:

  1. Download SWI-Prolog.

    • Windows: We recommend downloading the 64-bit edition!
  2. Install SWI-Prolog by following the installer instructions.

Linux (Ubuntu):

Swi-prolog Online

  1. Add the ppa ppa:swi-prolog/stable to your system’s software sources: Business in a box discount code.

    • Open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and type:
      sudo add-apt-repository ppa:swi-prolog/stable Free steam train simulator.

    • Afterwards, update the package information:
      sudo apt-get update

  2. Install SWI-Prolog through the package manager:

    • Open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and type:
      sudo apt-get install swi-prolog

Swi-prolog Editor

Quick start (Linux):

  1. Write a prolog program as a text file with a .pl ending. For example, program.pl.
  2. Open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and navigate to the directory where you stored your program.
  3. Open SWI-Prolog by invoking swipl.
  4. In SWI-Prolog, type [program] to load the program, i.e. the file name in brackets, but without the ending.
  5. In order to query the loaded program, type goals and watch the output.
  6. Alternatively, you can also load the program by passing its name as a parameter to SWI-Prolog: swipl -s program.pl.
  7. To exit SWI-Prolog, type halt..
  1. The swi-prolog extension to format that allows you to write to an atom allowed me to use format like sprintf was really helpful. The regular expression matcher was intuitive and easy to use. More intuitive than Python.
  2. SWI-Prolog provides you with a comprehensive and robust development environment for the Prolog logic programming language, which is intended for computational linguistics and artificial.

SWI-Prolog is a fast and powerful ISO/Edinburgh-style Prolog compiler with a rich set of built-in predicates. It offers a fast, robust and small environment which enables substantial applications to be developed with it.

Swi-prologSwi-prolog setup

For more Getting started advice, please refer to the SWI-Prolog Tutorials.