Sample Project Plan
Project Planning Templates Primavera Free Templates. Free Download project management example files. Video tutorials for how to make these project templates can be found at Primavera Video Tutorials. These project folders contains examples of a 'HOME' Project. About 62 activities related to house construction have been added and for them.
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What “Delete This Row” Really Means in a P6 Spreadsheet
2 1 Introduction to P6 1.1 Exercise: 1. Using your own standalone copy of Primavera P6 Professional, familiarize yourself with the P6 interface. Access the main views such as the Projects view, WBS view and Activities view. Open and close some select sample projects using the right-click and/or File Open menu methods. Project Planning and Scheduling Using Primavera Enterprise - P3e & P3e/c Version 3.5 Project Planning and Scheduling Using Primavera® Version 4.1 for IT Project Project Planning and Scheduling Using Primavera® Version 4.1 or E&C Planning Using Primavera Project Planner P3 Version 2.0 Planning Using Primavera Project Planner P3 Version 3.0.
During a private Primavera P6 training session last week I was showing my client how to import changes into a P6 schedule using a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. As you probably know, there are basically four steps involved: (1) create a spreadsheet template inside P6, (2) export the spreadsheet, (3) make changes to the spreadsheet, and (4) import the spreadsheet back into P6. There are a few basic rules to follow, such as not changing the order of the columns in the spreadsheet after it has been exported, but otherwise it is an easy way to share Primavera P6 data with individuals who may not have access to (or understand how to use) P6.
As a consultant, I use spreadsheets all the time for schedule updates. I send spreadsheets to my clients and ask them to provide the status of each activity that has been started or completed since the previous update. I rarely have to input this information manually. This process saves a lot of time and I can focus on more important tasks such as checking the critical path, and looking for open ends and out-of-sequence progress.
Anyone who has used a spreadsheet exported from Primavera P6 has probably noticed the mysterious column that P6 adds at the end. This column is not part of the template created in P6 but always appears in the exported file. While both rows 1 and 2 are column headers, it is the second row that most people notice because of its somewhat cryptic message:
“Delete This Row”
My client understood this instruction to mean that the second row should be deleted prior to importing the spreadsheet back into Primavera P6. And where did they get this crazy idea? From the in-house P6 expert. Granted, it does appear that P6 is telling you to delete the second row. And the real meaning of this instruction does involve deleting a row.
Here’s the deal. Deleting rows in the spreadsheet does not delete the activities when the spreadsheet is imported back into Primavera P6. I sometimes forget to use a filter in my spreadsheet template and when I realize there are more activities in the spreadsheet than I intended, it is often faster just to delete the rows rather than re-export the spreadsheet. And for this reason I also warn my clients that deleting a row in the spreadsheet is not the proper way to get rid of activities that are no longer needed.
The purpose of “Delete This Row” is in fact to delete one or more rows. You type “d” in this column next to any activity that should be deleted from the schedule. When the spreadsheet is imported back into Primavera P6 the activities with “d” next to them will be deleted. It is actually a great way for someone to communicate to me that certain activities should be deleted. In the graphic below, Activity ID 21 has been designated for deletion:
Keep in mind, that when activities are deleted there is a chance that it creates open ends in the logic network, so it is very important to check for missing predecessors and/or successors before publishing the schedule. Otherwise, “Delete This Row” is a very convenient way to get rid of unwanted activities.
Welcome to MPXJ! This library provides you with the ability to read projectinformation (sometimes known as schedules or programmes) from a variety of fileformats, and also write that information to a variety of file formats.
The library is based around a set of data structures which follow the wayschedule data is represented by Microsoft Project. All manipulation of projectdata takes place using these data structures, which can be read from orwritten to the various supported file formats.
Supported Formats
MPX: The MPX file format can be read by versions of MicrosoftProject up to and including Microsoft Project 2010, and written by versions upto Microsoft Project 98. MPXJ allows MPX files to be created, read andwritten. See this Microsoft supportarticle for a definition ofthe file format.
MPP: The MPP file format is Microsoft's proprietary way of storingproject data. MPXJ supports read only access to MPP files produced byMicrosoft Project 98, Microsoft Project 2000, Microsoft Project 2002,Microsoft Project 2003, Microsoft Project 2007, Microsoft Project 2010,Microsoft Project 2013, Microsoft Project 2016, and Microsoft Project 2019.MPP template files, with the suffix MPT are also supported.
MSPDI: The MSPDI file format is Microsoft's XML file format forstoring project data. Versions of Microsoft Project from 2002 onwards can readand write MSPDI files. MPXJ allows MSPDI files to be created, read, andwritten. The MSDPI file format has remained broadly unchanged since it wasintroduced, although several versions of Microsoft Project have tweaked thefile format slightly, and have their own updated documentation. Documentation isavailable online here.Documentation for the Project 2003 MSPDI file format can be downloaded aspart of the Office 2003 XML Reference Schemas package.Documentation for the Project 2007 MSPDI file format can be downloaded as partof the Project 2007 SDK. Documentationfor the Project 2010 MSPDI file format can be downloaded as part of theProject 2010 Reference: Software Development Kit.Documentation for the Project 2013 MSPDI file format can be downloaded as partof the Project 2013 SDK.
MPD: The MPD file format is an Access database used tostore one or more projects. The database schema used in these databases is also close to that used by Microsoft Project Server. MPXJ can read projectsstored in an MPD file using a JDBC connection. It is possible that MPXJ could also read the same data from a Microsoft Project Server database using thesame approach, but this is not something I've tested.
PLANNER: Planner is an Open Source project management tool which usesan XML file format to store project data. MPXJ can read and write the Plannerfile format.
PRIMAVERA P6: Primavera P6 is an industry-leading tool favouredby users with complex planning requirements. It can export project data in the form of XER or PMXML files, both of which MPXJ can read. It is also possiblefor MPXJ to connect directly to the P6 database via JDBC to read project data.MPXJ can also write PMXML files to allow data to be exported in a form whichcan be consumed by P6. The PMXML schema forms part of the P6 distributionmedia, which can be downloaded from the Oracle e-Delivery site.
PRIMAVERA P3: Primavera P3 (Primavera Project Planner) is the forerunnerof P6. It holds projects in Btrieve database files which MPXJ can read from adirectory or from a zip archive. MPXJ can also read P3 data from PRX backupfiles.
PRIMAVERA SURETRAK: SureTrak holds projects in Btrieve database files whichMPXJ can read from a directory or from a zip archive. MPXJ can also readSureTrak data from STX backup files.
POWERPROJECT: Asta Powerproject is a planning tool used in a number ofindustries, particularly construction. Powerproject can save data to PP filesor to MDB database files, and MPXJ can read both of these formats.
PHOENIX: Phoenix Project Manager is an easy-to-use critical path methodscheduling tool aimed primarily at the construction industry. Phoenix writesPPX files which MPXJ can read.
FASTTRACK: Fasttrack Schedule is general purpose planning tool. FastTrackwrites FTS files which MPXJ can read.
GANTTPROJECT: GanttProject is an open source general purpose planning tool.GanttProject writes GAN files which MPXJ can read.
TURBOPROJECT: TurboProject is general purpose planning tool. TurboProjectwrites PEP files which MPXJ can read.
CONECPTDRAW PROJECT: ConceptDraw PROJECT is general purpose planning tool.ConceptDraw PROJECT writes CDPX, CPDZ and CPDTZ files which MPXJ can read.
SYNCHRO SCHEDULER: Synchro Scheduler is general purpose planning tool.Synchro Scheduler writes SP files which MPXJ can read.
GANTT DESIGNER: Gantt Designer is a simple Gantt chart drawing tool. GanttDesigner writes GNT files which MPXJ can read.
SDEF: SDEF is the Standard Data Exchange Format, as defined by the USACE(United States Army Corps of Engineers). SDEF is a fixed column format textfile, used to import a project schedule up into the QCS (Quality ControlSystem) software from USACE. MPXJ can read and write SDEF files. Thespecification for the file format can be foundhere.
SCHEDULE_GRID: Schedule grid files are produced when a schedule is exportedfrom Sage 100 Contractor. MPXJ can read schedule grid files.
PROJECT COMMANDER: Project Commander files are are the native file format usedby the Project Commander application. MPXJ can read Project Commander files.
Supported Languages
MPXJ is written and maintained in Java, however this is no barrier to usingits functionality in other languages.
Thanks to the facilities provided by IKVM, the MPXJ distribution alsocontains a native .Net DLL version of MPXJ and its library dependencies. Thisallows MPXJ to be used from any .Net programming language (for example, C#,Visual Basic and so on), without normally having to be aware that theoriginal code was written in Java. As part of the MPXJ release process theJava and .Net libraries are both exercised using the same set of regressiontests to ensure that their behaviour is identical. Both the Java and .Netversions of the library are used in production commercial applications - soyou can confident that the code will work for you!
There is also now a Ruby Gem which providesnative Ruby access to read from schedule files using MPXJ, and a Pythonpackage which wraps the Java library toprovide full read/write access to schedule files.
You may be able to leverage MPXJ from other languages too, for example the PHP/Java Bridgecan be used to expose the complete MPXJ API in PHP.
Working with Java
MPXJ is built to work with versions of Java from 1.8 onwards. For many people,the easiest way to get started with MPXJ and its dependencies is to use Maven.Just include the following in your POM to register MPXJ as a dependency of yourproject:
The traditional method of downloading the MPXJ distribution as a zip file can also be used. Distributions can be found at SourceForgeand also at GitHub.
The zip files contain all of the source, the MPXJ JAR file in the root of thezip file, with the libraries on which MPXJ depends being found in the lib
directory of the zip file. These libraries will need to be available on yourclasspath in order to use all of the MPXJ functionality.
You'll find a general introduction to MPXJ's functionality here.
Working with .Net
For many people the easiest way to work with MPXJ is to download the packages viaNuGet. The .Net assemblies and theirdependencies can also be found in the zip file distribution fromSourceForgeor GitHub.You'll find a general introduction to MPXJ's functionality hereand specific details about working with .Net here.
Working with Ruby
MPXJ is available as a RubyGem, which can be installed using
or included in you Gemfile and installed usingbundler
. Note that theRuby version of MPXJ is just a wrapper around the Java library, and providesread-only access to schedule data. You can find some documentation for theGem hereWorking with Python
MPXJ is available as a Python Package, which can be installed using
You can find some documentation for thePackage hereKeep in touch
I'm keen to hear from you about how you are using MPXJ,please drop me a note.
If you use MPXJ as a part of an application that you redistribute,commercially or otherwise, drop me a line and I'll includea link to your website on the MPXJ users page.
You can help me
Please let me know what features you'd like to see addedto MPXJ. In addition to feature requests, if you have schedulefiles that can't be read, or don't contain the data youexpect, or have a file format you'd like MPXJ to read,please let me know. The more of this feedback you can give me, thebetter I can make MPXJ!
MPXJ is distributed under the terms of theGNU LGPLa copy of which can be found in the root of thedistribution. Please read this license carefully! It will cost you nothingto use MPXJ commercially or non-commercially, but you must complywith the terms of the license.
Please see the legal folder within the distribution for details of thelicences for the third party libraries used by MPXJ.
This product includes functionality provided by POI.
This product includes functionality provided by IKVM.NET.
This product includes functionality provided by RTF Parser Kit.
This product includes functionality provided by SQLITE-JDBC.
This product includes functionality provided by ZLIB/CONTRIB.
This product includes functionality provided by JWAT.
This product includes functionality provided by JSOUP.